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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sri Sadguru Mahime

Author: Charana Dasa

Translator: Shri.Ganesh Prasad

Chapter 57 :  Thugs at Gurus house

Generally Gurunatha would not let us throw away leftover food from the previous day. If he was to start early somewhere he would ask us to pack the previous day’s rice and sambar in an areca leaf bud.

When at home he would call me and ask me to prepare a meal out of the previous day’s rice and used to tell “Come, for both of us, this is the meal” as both of us would have it. One day when l was getting ready to serve him a similar meal his wife came in and whispered. “Change that cooked rice, it is yesterday’s, it might be stale”. Gurunatha overheard that and said,” If we cannot use it because it is yesterday’s tell me how many years have passed since you have come?” She was speechless.

Like this, Gurunatha used to tell us in his simple words that we should not differentiate between Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

At their origin/root things are same was conveyed by this, to a dead body we offer wet rice to God we offer yellow colored rice isn’t it?

Everything in front of us is truth. But, we have to think what kind of truth is it? It is just a momentary truth. While being aware of this we should strive to find the eternal truth. Some times Gurunatha used to say “there is no Guru here; the knowledge about you within yourself is your Guru”

A little illustration to show Gurunatha was always aware of the happenings around the world... Gurunatha used to get tiffin from a nearby hotel and distribute it among the visitors who had come to see him. One day I had called up and asked the hotel owner to keep the tiffin ready as usual. I was a bit late in collecting the same.

Just then a customer in the hotel looked at the packed food and asked who the food was meant for. Another customer said, “It is meant for goondas(thugs) at Gurunatha’s house”. A few weeks after this incident, the person who made this comment found himself in some problems and had to come to Gurunatha for a remedy.

Just then tiffin from the same hotel was being distributed to the visitors gathered at Gurunatha’s house, looking at that person Gurunatha said, I had ordered food for goondas at Guru’s house you can also have some. Hearing this that person bowed his head in shame.

The mental toughness, steadfastness of Gurunatha was unparalleled. Once this Charanadasa while expressing his disappointment and sadness asked him “ l have come wanting to join civil services, I am all alone in this, will I succeed?

His reply was “See, I had not seen 1 rupee coin for about 8 months. For about a day and half I was starving and sleeping in a park in Bangalore. Don’t be disheartened, you shall win. All those who have looked down upon you shall come to you asking for favours.

In another instance, I asked him “If someone cries in front of you, you get their work done, why?” His reply.. “Yes, I cannot see people crying, it pains me seeing them suffer” I asked, “So, shall I also accept defeat and cry?”

He replied, “You should not lose faith, you shall not cry in whatever situation”. Not sure why he made that statement, till date no matter how difficult the situation is I would not be moved to tears.

Gurunatha’s words..”Whenever you face a difficulty you should always think.. this is not tough, I can face tougher, Let Eashwara give me more difficulties”. Everything should not happen as man wishes. It should always happen against his wishes then only a man will be human”.

For Copies of Sadguru Mahime English and Kannada, Guru Bandhus can contact 94810 25416.

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