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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sri Sadguru Mahime

Author: Charana Dasa

Translator:Shri.Ganesh Prasad

Chapter 13 :  A tale of temple coconuts

“We should never take anything from shrines, maths, we should only offer what we can” were Gurunatha’s words. He used to send groceries and fruits and flowers whenever he asked his devotees to visit a temple or math. The following incident probably illustrates that well.

There was an ancient Shiva temple close to 400 years old in Sakharaya pattana. A priest and his wife were staying there and performing puja and other daily rituals. Suddenly the priest’s wife developed a strange ailment, her skin started to peel off as snakes shed off their skin. Physicians and skin specialists were consulted but their treatments did not help. The priest consulted Gurunatha and prayed for a remedy.

Gurunatha gave a subtle hint asking them “we should never take anything from temples, isn’t it?” But, the couple could not understand the deeper meaning of that and continued their life as it was. Though the ailment subsided for sometime after their visit, it started worsening again very soon.

After hearing about this.. Gurunatha had told me.” The priest couple was suffering because they had not been using coconuts from the tree in temple premises to make prasadam for the deity; instead they had been selling those in the market to make money. When they continue doing this how can their suffering end?” he asked.

Recently, I had a chance of meeting that couple. They told me they had corrected their mistake now and doing Audambara tree pradakshinas daily and her ailment is slowly getting cured.

For Copies of Sadguru Mahime English and Kannada, Guru Bandhus can contact 94810 25416.

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