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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sri Sadguru Mahime
 Author: Charana Dasa
 Translator:Shri.Ganesh Prasad
 Chapter 16 :  Invisible persons getting saree

Gurunatha used to show many miracles through one of his devotees who was a bank employee near Koppa . On enquiring about this, he had once said, he was merely following the directions of lord Datta.

One morning Gurunatha called this employee and said, today you shall witness a rare occurrence and have a special experience. Just carry sarees, blouses and other inner garments for two women when you leave for work.

He then reached his office and was returning from the main branch after getting cash for the day,he noticed a small crowd that had gathered on either side of the road. He got down from his vehicle to check what was wrong. He saw two women completely naked lying there totally oblivious of the crowd that had gathered around. On seeing this, employee decided the sarees were meant for these women. He gave a saree to one of the women. She declined to accept it and said that color belonged to her friend on the other side of the road. Employee did as advised and heard the lady say “Today I have been blessed by Guru” and repeating it about three times. The lady on the other side also did the same on accepting the second saree.

After this he traveled some distance before he realized he had not given blouses to them and turned around but could neither see the women nor the crowd. It was a straight road and he traveled some distance on either side hoping to catch a glimpse of them in vain. He saw this as yet another escapade his Guru had shown him and moved on.

Similarly, Gurunatha asked him another time to carry three packets of sugar and some bangles, toys for the children. As he was carrying these on the way to his office he saw three hermits from north India. They stretched their hands on seeing the sugar packets and accepted it with gratitude when offered and said “we have been awaiting this moment from years, today our souls got blessed. You may handover the bangles and toys to the children playing nearby” pointing to the children playing at a distance and left. He could neither see the children nor those hermits shortly after this.

These incidents bring back some memories when Gurunatha used to tell us “You don’t see my value since I am staying close to you and so accessible, there are about 150 of my disciples in Himalaya in penance for years hoping to get glimpses of me one day”

In another instance, Gurunatha had asked this person to carry about two kilos of sugar. As he had traveled a short distance he saw some Ayyappa devotees who waved and stopped him to ask if there was shop nearby as they were preparing prasadam and had forgotten to bring sugar. He handed over the sugar to them and left leaving them surprised. There were countless escapades like this during that time.

For Copies of Sadguru Mahime English and Kannada, Guru Bandhus can contact 94810 25416.

Unauthorised copy and distribution in any way without the permission of the Original Author is strictly prohibited.

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