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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Sri Sadguru Mahime

Author: Charana Dasa

Translator:Shri.Ganesh Prasad

Chapter 17 :  Right to live or to kill?

Usually Gurunatha used to sit under a peepal tree close to the old Shiva temple, and listen to peoples’ grievances and suggest remedies. This used to be referred to as his durbar by the people. Food and beverages were served to visitors from devotees’ houses and a nearby hotel.

Once when he sat there a person came in and started saying ‘Sir, there have been reports of mad dog menace all around. The mad dogs may bite your pet dogs as well, if you agree I shall put those dogs to sleep by feeding them poison and we would be averting any problem that might occur’. Usually four dogs were seen around Gurunatha most of the time. This person was pointing at them. Gurunatha stared intensely at that person for few minutes then turned away telling him he might do as he pleased.

This person mistook that to be a go-ahead from the Guru, bought some rice from a nearby hotel mixed a poisonous insecticide and tried feeding the dogs. Unaware of these events dogs happily fed on that rice and slept there. Gurunatha also slept there for some time. An hour might have passed after all this, the dogs got up threw up the poisonous rice they had eaten and left the place as if nothing had happened. The crowd and the person who fed the dogs looked in disbelief.

Later Gurunatha told him, “The creator of the life has the sole right to end it, should he wish to do so. Nothing will happen here as per your wish “. When Gurunatha asked him bluntly “What did you achieve by coming here and doing this?” He was speechless.

In another instance, a person came seeking advice on where, how deep he should dig a well, and if he would get water. After clearing many of his doubts, Gurunatha gave him a slightly bigger stone and asked him to fix it inside the well saying it will save his life one day. Later once when he was checking on the water level inside the well, the water level rose suddenly and he had to step on that stone and come out to safety.

“Never interfere in others’ business; we don’t have the power to create life, nor destroy it“ Gurunatha constantly used to remind us.

For Copies of Sadguru Mahime English and Kannada, Guru Bandhus can contact 94810 25416.

Unauthorised copy and distribution in any way without the permission of the Original Author is strictly prohibited.

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