Sri Sadguru Mahime
Author: Charana Dasa
Translator:Shri.Ganesh Prasad
Chapter 18 : A tale of a movie
A family originally from Tamilnadu
had settled down in Bangalore. They had three children, while two of them
pursued their interest in film industry by running a recording company the
eldest sister had a high ranking job in services industry. They had prevailed
over many hardships to reach their current status and were slowly turning
things around for the better. They wished to start a new life after repaying
their past debts. Through an acquaintance they came in contact with Gurunatha.
Once when one of the brothers
visited Gurunatha’s house, sensing his inner desire Gurunatha asked him to make
a movie and assured him that the movie will make him debt free.
As advised the brothers started
making a movie and went to Rajasthan for shooting and stayed there probably for
close to two weeks, their sister stayed at Gurunatha’s house during that time.
Everyday by evening Gurunatha got someone to call the brothers in Rajasthan but
would narrate the day’s happenings at the film unit himself, much to the
amazement of the brothers and devotees gathered at Gurunatha’s house. When the
film got completed Gurunatha instructed the brothers to seek blessings of an
advaitha math seer before the release. When released, the film based on the
story of emotional bonding between a mother and his son was a sensation al hit
and ran for a record 25 weeks. A famous actor who saw the film commented he
could sense an invisible power behind the film. The brothers must have made
close to Rs 18 crores from the film. Gurunatha attributed the success of the
film to the blessings of advaitha math seer quickly distancing himself from any
credits. This probably reinforces one of his quotes.. ”One who is in everything
while not being present in anything” is probably the real concept of Guru. He
was probably setting an example to show.. no matter how powerful you are, you
should always be humble and conduct yourself with a lot of humility.
Later on during one of their visits
Gurunatha had told the brothers not venture into film making again without his
consent. But, it is natural for any man to get carried away by success and fame
and try hard to recreate it, often without much success. The brothers did the
same. lgnoring Gurunatha’s advice they made preparations for their next film
including the script and then came to Gurunatha to seek his blessing and
About this Gurunatha had told me
once.. “They have decided everything, made huge plans themselves and have come
to me to seek an approval. Am I the Governor to simply sign whatever they bring
to me?” I gave my consent not wanting to disappoint them; I have no business in
their venture.”
It is often said that ,“A Guru can
save you even from the wrath of Shiva but even Shiva won’t come to your rescue
if your Guru is upset with you”. This incident probably illustrates the same.
The film that started without Guru’s permission limped and dragged on and made
the brothers lose all the money they had earned earlier due
to Guru’s kindness and probably made
them move away completely from film industry forever.
For Copies of Sadguru Mahime English
and Kannada, Guru Bandhus can contact 94810 25416.
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