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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Sri Sadguru Mahime

Author: Charana Dasa

Translator:Shri.Ganesh Prasad

Chapter 7:  In service of Guru

A person from Chickmaglur used to visit Gurunatha’s house. He had a lot of problems at home, did not have a regular job and was finding it difficult to make ends meet. His daily routine was to come in early in the morning to Gurunatha’s house clean the cowshed, sit in a distant corner and leave in the evening. Though some family members objected, he was unperturbed. This went on for a few days. All this while observing him, Gurunatha called him one day and blessed him. Today he owns a food processing unit and is leading a happy life.

Once Gurunatha called a person from Bangalore and asked him to get some fruits. The devotee got fruits worth Rs 100/- distributed it among other devotees there and sat down. Gurunatha called him and showed another devotee who was given the same instructions and brought fruits for about Rs 8000/- and told him it is not the question of amount but the respect he had for towards Guru’s words. This person went on to become a respected figure in society, started many industries and gave them away to his brothers showing his large heartedness. There was a devotee who used to spend large sums of money whole heartedly while executing Guru’s instructions, citing him Gurunatha used to proudly tell... ‘A Guru is from his disciple and not the other way around’

In another instance, Gurunatha was visiting an advaitha peetha, the seer of the peetha complained about the carelessness of his staff after seeing silverware and other costly utensils lying around. To seer’s utter surprise... Gurunatha smiled and quipped... ‘Are you sitting on the peetha to perform sadhana or to watch and safeguard these devotees’ offerings?’

Gurunatha had strange ways of reminding us not to be engrossed in safeguarding money and other worldly possessions, but to renounce them and focus on sadhana.

For Copies of Sadguru Mahime English and Kannada, Guru Bandhus can contact 94810 25416.

Unauthorised copy and distribution in any way without the permission of the Original Author is strictly prohibited.

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